? ??????????????Joshua Trees? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 3.2 (25 Ratings)??0 Grabs Today. 2062 Total Grabs. ?
?????Get the Code?? ?? ?????Frankfurt, Germany? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 3.6 (33 Ratings)??0 Grabs Today. 1858 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????Palmy Afternoon? ????? ?????? ???Rating: CLICK HERE FOR BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND MYSPACE LAYOUTS ?

Monday, March 16, 2009

50 day left in Zambia

Ok, so I just realized...it is like the middle of March and I haven't even posted anything this month...I am sorry....but you talk to my mommy and Dani and you will know that my March has been pretty frustrating and boring...so not a whole lot to post...but let me give you a few updated...I am still teaching in schools and what not...as long as they are not canceled...which happens quite a bit...but when I do teach that is great! I like to teach...but I really don't think I could EVER be a teacher...Here I teach three classes to one group of kids and then move to the next group...1. because there are a million schools and I want to try to get to most of them...and 2. because if I stayed any longer than that I think I would go crazy...some of the kids are really great...but I want to slap a few of them upside the head....especially when they tell me..."There is no way I am using a condom" and "Why should I only have sex with one person, that is not going to happen"....and I just want to tell them "ok them you are the first to die"....but I don't....I say something a little more tact full....So no, teaching is not a career for me. So Thursday was a "Holiday" here....Youth Day....and I we and taught some youth at a church....it was nice...I wouldn't call them "youth" per-say...most of them were older than I am...but anyways it was fun....but when it got to the end and time for questions...I got some crazy ones....like always....these ones really made me sad though....One was "I heard that the White men made the HIV virus because they want to eliminate the Black people"...yeah....really got asked that....and I told the man who asked..."Well I am here and clearly White...do you honestly think that I want to eliminate you?"....we also got into a huge debate about Religion and if God will take the virus away if you pray hard enough and repent....of course the answer is NO....but they wouldn't take that for an answer....they kept saying "with God anything is possible" and I assured them that I firmly believe in God but I also know that he can't take the virus away....then they accused me of not believing in God at all....and by that point I was almost in tears....I didn't know what else to say...and it wasn't until after that I realized what I should have said.... that God will forgive you and you can change but you still have to live with the consequences of your choices and actions....So next time I will be ready when that question comes....and I know there will be a next time....But it just makes me so sad how mislead these people are....and how much of a hold Satan has here....I am so grateful that I have the Gospel in its fullness...all of it....not just parts.....so here are some pictures of me teaching...they are not the best...I didn't take them....but here you go :)


trish said...

Ah, Leah, you have touched on the major problem in Africa. The missionaries and Church leaders run into it all the time...the notion that one is not required to live the commandments all the time (maybe just on Sun.?) Keep on teaching...the youth will eventually get it and maybe save the next generation. love you, Trish

Anonymous said...

You look so hot in these pictures:) I love you and I cant wait for you to get home.


Unknown said...

With God all things are possible but like a true loving Father he does not take away all our problems. He leaves it up to us to do our best at finding a solution to our problems and pay the consequences for disobedience. This is the only way we can become like him. This is our time to prove ourselves and do as he would do. You are there helping them to learn how to take away this disease from them. The Lord is helping to erradicate AID's and HIV from the people by teaching them to be obedient to his laws and commandments. How can a person expect the Lord to heal them when they are not willing to be obedient to the Father. Love you Dad